Reflections Rope Dojo
Reflections Rope Dojo was born from the curious minds of Miss Aayden and a select crew to teach and demonstrate rope and rope techniques.
We are a safe and inclusive space. We strive to put the focus on fun and education for all weather you are new, new again or experianced.

Shibari - “to tie”
The origin of Shibari comes from Hojo-jutsu, the martial art of restraining captives. In Japan from 1400 to 1700, while the local police and Samurai used
Hojo-jutsu as a form of imprisonment and torture, the honor of these ancient Samurai warriors required them to treat their prisoners well. So, they used different techniques to tie their prisoners, showing the honor and status of their captured prisoner.

Kinbaku - "tight binding"
The first appearance of the word “kinbaku” now is brought forward to Thirties in Itoh Seiu’s ”Die Bilder über die Strafe und abnormer Geschlechtstrieb” (Pictures of punishment and abnormal sexual drive).

Hojōjutsu - "Restraining Rope Technique"
is the traditional Japanese martial art of restraining a person using cord or rope in Japanese, as a precursor to modern-day handcuffs. Encompassing many different materials, techniques and methods from many different schools, Hojōjutsu is a quintessentially Japanese art that is a unique product of Japanese history and culture.

Rope Bondage for Sex
Sexual intamacy is a foundation in relationships and kink alike. Yet persuing more traditional rope tie teniques leaves the possibility of sex for longer periods off the table.
Reflections Rope Dojo has customised many ties to be more attainable for sexual encounters.

Book Us for Stage and Photos
Did you know that Reflections Rope Dojo can be booked for events? That's right, we can. Do you want a unique stage performance for your noir kink or noir burlesque event?
We are the one-stop shop, with female cis and male cis riggers on staff. With options of male, female, and all-inclusive gender/s for rope bottoms.
Do you want to book Reflections Rope Dojo for a photoshoot? Boudoir photoset, kink, and fetish photosets. We can help bring your vision to life.
Contact Reflections Rope Dojo or Miss Aadyen to discuss the concept and pricing.

Althernative Lifestyle Erotic Classes
We are always hosting extra (not rope) workshops in the intimate and kink realms. Come out and join us for some amazing alternative lifestyle learning. We bring in some of the best teachers in the industry and lifestyle to give you a taste of the erotic arts.
Reflections Rope Dojo Team
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
Meet the faces and the people that bring passion to rope and the teaching style we use. Years of experience to teach you in the safest way possible.
Come... Be Bound and Enticed
Why are you so determined to keep your wild silently inside you? Let it breathe. Give it a voice. Let it roll out of you on the wide-open waves. Set it free. – Jeanette LeBlanc